Chef Federico Alessandri © 2025
Veal or chicken in a lemon creamy sauce


The lemon veal or chicken is a very yummy light meat course for the summer. It is fast to prepare and needs only few ingredients. Start melting the butter in a pan without burning it. Flour the meat on each sides, than cook them in the pan with the butter. Time depends on how thick the slices are. My suggestion is to have quite thin slices, so that the meat will cook in a short time and you don’t risk to burn the butter. The flour with the butter will create a roux (a thickener), when the meat is almost cooked ad half glass of a good white wine and keep cooking until the alcohol evaporate. The roux will thick the wine into a creamy sauce. Grate the zest from a big lemon in a little bowl and squeeze in half of the juice. Remove the meat from the pan and add the lemon zest and juice with a couple of tablespoon of water and reduce to the right consistency (has to be creamy). remember to NOT cook the lemon for more than two minute or burn it otherwise it becomes bitter. Strain the lemon creamy sauce and put it on the meat, sprinkle with some fresh minced parsley and serve.

• Ingredients for 4 people

• Veal or chicken 4 slices
• Butter 2 ounces
• Flour
• lemon
• Parsley
• Salt and black pepper
• White wine

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